
完整收錄ASHERBOOK動人歌曲《TRY》吉他譜,附歌詞和弦,簡單易學,讓你輕鬆彈唱。立即查看吉他譜!,capo:0.前奏CGAmF*2CGAmIfiwalkwouldyourunFCIfistopwouldyoucomeGAmFIfisayyou'retheonewouldyoubelievemeCGAmFCIfiask ...,Thisisatransposedversionofmypreviousone,soI'veputitincapo4anditsoundsmuchbetter,havefun:)IntroG,D,Em,Baug7,C,Am7/C,Cmaj7,,評分3.5(11)Standardtuning/[Intro]CGAmFX2/[Verse]CGAmIfiwalkwould...


完整收錄ASHER BOOK動人歌曲《TRY》吉他譜,附歌詞和弦,簡單易學,讓你輕鬆彈唱。立即查看吉他譜!

[吉他和弦簡譜]Asher Monroe Book - Try-R.E.X 吉他譜

capo:0. 前奏C G Am F *2 C G Am If i walk would you run F C If i stop would you come G Am F If i say you're the one would you believe me C G Am F C If i ask ...

TRY CHORDS (ver 3) by Asher Book @ Ultimate

This is a transposed version of my previous one, so I've put it in capo 4 and it sounds much better, have fun :) Intro G , D , Em , Baug7 , C , Am7/C , Cmaj7 ,

TRY CHORDS by Asher Book @ Ultimate

評分 3.5 (11) Standard tuning / [Intro] C G Am F X2 / [Verse] C G Am If i walk would you run F C If i stop would you come G Am F If i say you're the one would you believe ...

try(名扬四海)吉他谱(图片谱,弹唱)_Asher Book(Asher Monroe Book)

try(名扬四海)的吉他谱(图片谱,弹唱)在线查看,下载及讨论.艺人:Asher Book(Asher Monroe Book).专辑:名扬四海09版.

呆萌妹子版Asher Book《Try》吉他弹唱六线谱

呆萌妹子版Asher Book《Try》吉他弹唱六线谱歌词If i walk would you run If i stop would you come If i say youre the one would you believe me If ...

Asher Book - Nancy's Guitar Tutorial 吉他弹唱教学吉他教程

... 吉他谱,每周更新哦! My Xinlang Weibo is 【呆萌妹子Nancy】 ... 【吉他教学】Try - Asher Book - Nancy's Guitar Tutorial 吉他弹唱教学吉他教程.

Asher Book

try Chord譜結他譜吉他譜簡譜。主唱Asher Book If i walk would you runIf i stop would you comeIf i say you're the one would you believe meIf i ask you to stay ...